Saturday, September 24, 2016

Good news, Bad news

Background: I flew into San Diego last night for a job early this morning where we're piloting a new program to reinvigorate declining trees and poor soil. We're doing it at a very important property with a very important client. My main reason for being here is to shoot and document the process. 

My flight departed at 8:30pm. 

Good news is I made my flight. 

Bad news is I left my bag with all the camera equipment and my car keys at the SFO terminal before boarding. 

Good news is they found it.

Bad news is it's at the SFO Lost and Found and they're closed when I arrive back into SFO tonight. 

Good news is Target was open late so I Uber'd there and got a back-up cam. 

Bad news is my business card got declined. 

Good news is the bank answered and unblocked it. 

Bad news is that when I arrived to the site 7am this morning, I remembered the camera but forgot the battery charging in the wall of my hotel room, 30 min away. 

Good news is, I have my iPhone.