Friday, January 16, 2015

Yaelle has Arrived!

Yaelle Sylvia-Sanaa Gaskin blessed us with her presence on 1/15/15 at 5:36am, 6lbs 7ounces and 20.5" inches!!

A healthy baby girl came in the world staring at daddy Sho and actually gave him a little smile! Totally alert and started sucking on her hand after about 20 min, so we put her on the teet and she started latching right away!! ( all other moms this means the world)

We've been recovering and resting in the hospital and will be back home by tomorrow morning. Daddy Sho has been the most helpful & loving partner and father that even several nurses have tried to hire him, lol. 

Yaelle is amazing: feeding like a champ every 2-3 hours, sleeping soundly through all the shuffle and passing her tests with flying colors. We'll see how night 2 goes...we hear that's when they actually realize their world is different and they get more fussy. 

Anyway, we are so thankful for her and the love of her many cousins, aunties, uncles and friends this lil' girl has been born into. God is great all the time. 

We love y'all!!!

For the next blog? Meaning of her name :)