Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Poop Detective

I never thought I would be googling pictures of baby poop...but here I am, comparing photos of poopy diapers to my baby girl's poop. Is the color right? Why is it stringy? Is that normal??
I feel like I've been playing detective for most of this little girls life, analyzing whatever fluids that come out of her little body, making sure it's "normal". And if not, figuring out the remedy without having to deal with a doctor. 

So far, it's seems as though sleep, breastmilk and coconut oil are a cure all for everything. (eg. Breast milk in her eyes (and mine) clears things right up!) 

I can only imagine the things I'll end up googling in the future as she gets bigger...and then if we have a boy?? Probably even more gross ;)

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