Monday, October 12, 2015

Day 5: Guilin Part II

7:45am, took a moment to enjoy this ridiculous view from our balcony and Thank the Lord we're all safe and well. Traveling with this many Hons (and kids) can get pretty crazy. We've already had a few close calls and I swear angels are looking after us. So thank you all for your prayers :)
The scenery here is unbelievable, unlike any other panoramas I've seen. 

There are SO many activities packed into our days that it's hard to even digest what I've just seen/learned/experienced. For today's activities in Guilin we went to the Silver Cave, lunch at the Moonlight Resort, bamboo rafting down the Li Jong River, dinner, then the night market.

View while walking toward the entrance of the Silver Cave. 
The kids feeding the hundreds of coy fish swarming around them.
Still walking to the cave entrance. Beer stop time :)
After being suckered into buying toys, trinkets and souvenirs while trying to negotiate the lowest price, we're finally at the cave entrance. 
Inside the Silver Cave, Guilin's largest cave that runs through 12 mountains, the stalagmites and stalagmites are over 600,000 years old. They grow at a rate of 5-10cm every 100 years. The cave was discovered in 1996, and then turned into this colorfully whimsical tourist attraction. The cave itself was super awesome, the neon lights...not so much, I was waiting for oompa-loompas to pop out. 
After the caves we stopped to eat at the Moonlight resort in this relaxing setting, eating the best food we had so far. It was a secluded resort we had to make a short hike to and it felt like we had discovered paradise.  
The kids table. It's been so much fun to watch them play and play with. I can't believe how easy and good-spirited they have been with all the traveling. 
After lunch shenanigans. 
Racing across the levee. Can't go a few hours without some good ole competition. 
Bamboo rafting down the Li Jong River. Rachel and Phil took over the guides job and tried to race our raft. It took them a while to figure out how to go straight.
Witnessing the unique slash probably cruel form of fishing in Yangshou, called Cormorment Bird Fishing. They actually use the birds to catch the fish. To prevent the birds from swallowing the fish, the fishermen tie string loosely their throat. The fisherman here untied the bird, gave him a hand signal and the bird dove underwater, caught a fish, returned to the raft and then the fisherman pulled the wiggling fish from the birds throat. 
My uncle holding the bird. 
A panoramic of my awesome Yaelle from the raft. She's such an angel. Turns out all the out-of-character yelling the previous 2 days is from 2 teeth surfacing.
And another with her Auntie Liza. 
Dinner time!....Chinese food, again. 
Night market in Guilin. 
And to end the night, foot-sucking devil fish. 

So gross but so cool. These little fish eat all the dead skin and bacteria off your feet and stimulates the pores to rid of toxins from your body. It took a few minutes to mentally get over what was happening and how ticklish it was. But after that, it was actually pretty relaxing. I wonder what Shobab will think when a new fish tank appears in our house. 

I wouldn't mind staying in Guilin all week, it has more than exceeded any expectation of China I had. But, there's so much more of China to see. Beijing bound on day 6 is next. 

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